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A Social Change Accelerator
by AOD

Supporting Youth

What you see as ‘future’, we see as ‘now’. 


Anyone with a passion is capable of initiating a change, but it takes the right means of support and knowledge to become a dynamic force and create transformational impact. This is where we come in; we help you unravel the past, plan in the present and reinvent the future for a more just and inclusive Malaysia. 


Youth initiatives, projects, groups and organisations face structural issues to establish themselves and scale sustainably. Without a transparent system of information, access to existing networks and a support system for solidarity, youth efforts in Malaysia face a short lifespan and struggle with continuity.


BinaxBangkit is the aspiring backbone of the youth non-profit advocacy ecosystem, bridging diverse communities to master the art of intersectionality. With us is where the world of ideas and the road of action collide — together, we accelerate social change at the systemic level.


The accelerator is intended to nurture and support new and existing volunteer-run youth organisations and initiatives aimed at building up Malaysia as an inclusive and equitable nation for all.

The Accelerator

3-5 eligible organisations will receive:

RM10,000 in seed funding

Organisations receive unrestricted seed funding of RM10,000 to support stabilisation and growth in its early stages.


The first round of funding (80%) will be disbursed in Dec 2023/Jan 2024 and the second round of funding (20%) in July 2024.

Away Weekends as a cohort

Two retreats for organisations' lead members in February and November 2024 for professional development on organisational skills such as management, incorporation, grant writing and succession planning.


BxB recipients from all selected initiatives will gather for a residential onboarding Away Weekend with the AOD team, where professional development workshops will be conducted, and goals and deliverables for the incubation/accelerator period will be discussed and co-created. Similarly, the closing Away Weekend will have each initiative share about their achievements, challenges faced and overcome. Initiatives will also be evaluated for potential continued funding and support for the next year of 2025.

Institutional support to grow

Organisations receive structured support and mentoring, free use of AOD office space, introductions to funders and optional fiscal sponsorship.


​Support includes: bi-monthly check-ins with AOD staff to monitor progress and solve roadblocks, office hours with relevant AOD management to troubleshoot or ideate; reservations of which can be made when needed, access to other subject matter experts or policymakers within AOD’s network.

As a member of the accelerator, the organisation should: 

  • Attend and participate fully in both Away Weekends (Onboarding and Closing)

  • Attend and participate fully in all scheduled check-ins

  • Try to their utmost ability to carry out agreed-upon goals

  • Provide timely updates on organisation's progress

  • Be open and transparent about challenges faced so that they can be addressed

  • Progress towards organisational sustainability, such as incorporation if not yet incorporated, opening a bank account or implementing a succession plan.


Initiatives that fulfil the following requirements are eligible for BxB:


  • Has at least two lead members physically in Malaysia driving the initiative; typically, they are not involved on a full-time basis (i.e. the organisation is volunteer-driven).

  • Is youth-led, with the majority of the team being below the age of 30 years old.

  • Works in the realm of at least one of the following: 

    • Policymaking: Strategic advocacy for inclusive policies, including engagements with policymakers and campaigns to garner public support 

    • Capacity-building: Developing and strengthening skills and processes of individuals or institutions in the interest of increasing inclusion

    • Representation and Participation: Working to ensure that a seat at the table for underrepresented communities, as well as ensuring participatory decision-making 

    • Voice: Allowing for and actively encouraging the expression and reflection of young people in Malaysia for inclusivity

  • Initiatives could be focused on local affinity groups (e.g. Orang Asli, Indian, women) AND/OR focused in a specific domain (e.g. labour, housing, education).

  • Is centred on promoting an inclusive society and building inclusive institutions, along the lines of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs):

    • SDG 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development

    • SDG 10.2: By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

    • SDG 10.3: Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard

    • SDG 16.7: Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels

    • SDG 16.b: Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development

  • Has been in operation for less than five (5) years.

  • Uphold Non-Discrimination Code of Conduct for the duration of AOD support.


Initiatives related to the below mentioned are not eligible for BxB:

  • Primarily humanitarian and direct aid initiatives e.g. literacy, vaccination drives, soup kitchens, delivering medical aid etc.

  • Initiatives that involve construction e.g. building houses or renovating buildings.

  • Initiatives that take place overseas.

  • Initiatives that are already established organisations in operation for more than five (5) years*.


*exceptions may apply to dormant organisations

Timeline & Apply

14 November - 6 December 2023
Applications Open

6 - 12 December 2023
A panel consisting of 3 AOD staff members will review received applications.

21 - 22 December 2023
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a 30-minute interview with AOD’s BinaxBangkit selection committee consisting of the Executive Director, the Strategy and Development Manager and the Programmes Senior Associate (Community).

26 December 2023
Successful BxB recipients will be announced. The first round of funding will be disbursed during this time.

2 - 4 February 2024 (Tentative)
First Away Weekend (Onboarding)

March - September 2024
Bi-monthly check-ins with BxB recipients

November 2024
Second Away Weekend (Closing)
Applicants will complete the following questions in the application form (50 words or less each):
  • What is the issue that your initiative is trying to address?
  • What do you think is the root cause of this issue, and how is your initiative addressing it?
  • Why is this change important to you and your team?
  • If your initiative were to be selected for BxB, please share briefly about goals that you can realistically achieve during the accelerator period. Your answer could include description of projects and intended outcomes.
  • What support would your initiative need the most at this period of time?
Applicants will also be asked to include details of their two lead members, any documentation of previous projects, as well as links to the initiatives' social media and media mentions (if available).



  1. Can I apply as an individual?
    No. Your initiative will require at least two (2) lead team members in order to be eligible. 


  2. Does my initiative need to be a registered NGO to apply?
    No. As long as your initiative has a committed team of at least two (2) individuals, you are eligible to apply.


  3. How many team members can I bring to the Weekend Away?
    You may bring up to four (4) team members to the Weekend Away, including your two (2) lead team members.


  4. Does my initiative have to be based in the Klang Valley (Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya)?
    No. As long as your initiative is based in Malaysia, you are eligible to apply. If your initiative is based outside the Klang Valley, we strongly encourage you to apply.


  5. How will my application be evaluated?
    AOD is looking for initiatives that:

    • Is aligned with our values and vision for Malaysia.

    • Has a potential for deep and wide reach of impact.

    • Is one that could be scaled sustainably or has clear alternative pathways of scale.

    • Has a strong team consisting of committed lead team members with a good track record of previous achievements.

    • Focuses on an area that AOD has expertise and a wide network in that we have strong capacity to support.

    • Has a clear pathway from root cause to intervention to intended impact.

  6. My initiative has never completed a project before, can I still apply?
    Yes. AOD’s BxB is both an incubator and accelerator. If you have an idea with a clear plan for intended impact, you may apply to kickstart your initiative. Similarly, if you have run projects under your initiative before, you may also apply to further scale and grow your initiative.


  7. How will the cost of my flights and transportation be covered to the Weekend Away?
    If you are travelling from outside the Klang Valley, AOD will cover the cost of your flights and transportation to the Weekend Away.


  8. Do we need a bank account to receive the cash support?
    No. An individual bank account can be nominated to receive the cash support while the initiative works on setting up a bank account. Alternatively, AOD can hold the cash and support transactions for your initiative should you opt for it.

  9. What can we use the cash support for?
    It is up to the discretion of the initiative to determine budget allocations. However, some terms and conditions apply, such as restrictions on purchasing alcohol, illicit substances, and payments to sanctioned nations and organisations.

  10. What if a lead team member drops out?
    You may continue on with the initiative with just one lead team member. However, if both lead team members drop out, your initiative will cease to be an BxB recipient and the cash will have to be returned to AOD.

Questions can be directed to charlene[at]

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